I really have to take off my ball cap to all the (Fuddpucker & adopted) uncles and aunts Agnes has. The wisdom, and caring that goes into dealing with ME over Agnes's many antics and my hysteria at the simplest things is mind blowing. From the "Oh! My Vizsla has spots" to "What do I do! My lil gals face is scarred from a rabid ground hog (we alllll know it was not Agnes's lunging, nipping ways that got the goundhog riled) the family has been there every step of the way. Aunty Sharon has probably questioned her sanity, and mine, in ever introducing my lil gal to me, but heck she knew I was a bit kooky a hundred years ago.
Anywho Agnes and I , after much discussion, have decided our first title is in "Caring". We are earning a title in CARING EXCELLENT. That's right. Earn it and ya can place the following after your dogs' name - ICAREX.
It's a pretty tough standard. The team, because it takes two, must show compassion, kindness, empathy and thoughtfulness towards others. To earn the excellent title these qualities must be demonstrated without being asked, and especially focused toward the elderly, the disabled, the ill, and others that are lonely or in need.
The objectives ? Smiles, laughter, loneliness washed away.
The evaluators ? Only one. God.
Agnes and I think if we keep training & working hard we'll take ribbons with that FIRST title.
We can't wait.
I LOVE the picture! She is coming right along on that "new" title! where is her special cookie? You better have a full stock of them ready!