Welcome friends, fellow pooches, & "Fuddpucker" clan to my blog.
Since I've become a Virgina gal I've learned a few things....running down mountains is great fun, Bar -B-Que's smell yummy, and alot of my new friends have the last name "hound". Most importantly life is grand if you are a Vizsla with a blog. Read and smile.


**Don't forget to check out my slideshow at the bottom of the page!

Friday, December 11, 2009


Happy Holidays all!
(click on the photo to enlarge)

It's been a while since my last post, and I apologize. I've been quite the busy Vizsla!
We went to Nationals recently and WOW!
Hit the ol' obedience ring, Novice, added another AKC title, and took A FIRST!

Showed off in the Halloween contest.
(So as to not get confused - I'm the Chicken -Cluck)

Razzled and dazzled into the inner realms of the elite by being charming throughout, o.k. I might be getting carried away now.

When it comes to charming though, well all us Vizsla's do that ..mom says it's in our "genes". She's usually complaining about her "jeans" but I reckon it's cuz she's only a Vizsla by association.

Actually, my alpha chick spoke/presented about genetics and temperament while we were there and it was awesome how many caring Vizsla breeders we met. I sure hope all Vizsla folk can continue to support having and caring for the Vizsla breeds' "super pups".

AND, one of my most enjoyable activites?

I met loads of amazing good looking fella's and literally swooned, hey I'm a southern belle Vizsla ya'll, even the names inspired lil sweet tea me to bat my eyelashes and curtsey.....OCTANE, RENAISSANCE, RUSSETT LEATHER.... whew, so many fella's, so few "off -lead" moments - sigh

Well, enjoy the photo's two leggeds and tail waggers, and many joys, off lead moments, toy chasin' and ruff-housin' days during these holidays and the New Year.