Welcome friends, fellow pooches, & "Fuddpucker" clan to my blog.
Since I've become a Virgina gal I've learned a few things....running down mountains is great fun, Bar -B-Que's smell yummy, and alot of my new friends have the last name "hound". Most importantly life is grand if you are a Vizsla with a blog. Read and smile.


**Don't forget to check out my slideshow at the bottom of the page!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Therapy, Temperament and the joy of Reading!!!

Well two legged and four legged pals WE did it, and wayyyyy before we planned. We accomplished our Temperament testing, our Therapy dog title and a couple weeks ago completed our "Ready to Read" (literacy assistance dog certification). We are the YOUNGEST DOG and ONLY VIZSLA team to be certified with the (National) READY to READ program!

The reading program was by far the toughest, as there are many different age groups to work with and just when you think lil' ones can't possibly come up with one more idea to "torture" a pooch with - YEP, they do! Tying Ag's feet together with a leash, dozens of scarfs around her neck, dress up with any clothes available, playing with her teeth, trying to catch her tail, painting her toenails with colored markers, etc. Not to note the long down stay while one reads, the kids wanting to "walk" the dog, making certain the dog does not jump on the youngsters, and that the dog is truly a great reinforcement in the fact it gives affection, and attention, at all the right times. Wheww!

To earn this certification we first had to earn a temperament test and therapy title, followed by a minimum of three hours working with youth in a variety of age groups including preschool, all this under the watchful gaze of educators and/or social service counselors. Test day required counselors, educators AND a canine evaluator - - I was just a bit unnerved, yeah I know I've been testing in everything for decades under all kinds a folks and this unnerves me, but dang ya'll it was AGNES, my Vizsla, my lil gal of the sometime point a bug, run laps, grab dirt, fart and chase her tail, rub her body along the grass, and be a wild woman fame. But she did it, and with stars!

***I've included pictures from her reading program success**We are now working with private counselors toward completion of our Autism Assistance program**