Welcome friends, fellow pooches, & "Fuddpucker" clan to my blog.
Since I've become a Virgina gal I've learned a few things....running down mountains is great fun, Bar -B-Que's smell yummy, and alot of my new friends have the last name "hound". Most importantly life is grand if you are a Vizsla with a blog. Read and smile.


**Don't forget to check out my slideshow at the bottom of the page!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Point"ing\, n. 1. The act of sharpening.
2. The act of designating, as a position or direction, by means of something pointed, as a finger or a rod.
3. The act or art of punctuating; punctuation.

Yes, I actually looked this term up as Agnes has decided this should be an Olympic Sport. Not just any Olympic sport mind you but one that has numerous feats of agility, awareness and of course stealth.

My dear sweet princess is "pointing" everything. Hmmm, I do believe it may be that I took her Auntie Sharon's words of advice... "Praise her when she points the cat", " Praise her when she holds the point and it will get longer and longer" to heart and praised with passion.
O.K. truth be told I would trap the cat in the same room with her and let her "practice".
Now I have a point for anything that moves slightly. The spider coming down on a barely there web ? Not a chance - POW - Agnes is pointing. A cricket in the basement ? Doesn't stand a chance! That gals on point and waiting for a rifle to take that bug down!
AND size not an issue... heaven help the turkeys that think they can hide in a bush or fly to a tree, Olympian Agnes has 'em in her sights. Check out the photo's of her first "wild bird" point. A turkey hen that thought it could out wit her. Yep, an Olympic Sport.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dr. Seuss & Morning Musings...

If Dr. Seuss wrote for Agnes
& her handler (me)
(if we could actually converse that is)


ME: Agnes, Agnes, time to train.
Lots a fun, now don't complain...

AGNES: Train? OH train! I'd rather run!
Run and run until I'M DONE.

ME: Stop your running now I say.
You halt right now...or Stop... or Stay…

AGNES: A stay? a halt? Is that a term ?
A command? A request ? Or just a word ?

ME: Obedience? A Vizsla? A talent for sure!
Sits will not happen, the tails in a whir!
A simple recall? Yes come right now!
Agnes! Again, I'll show you how!

Please Vizsla gal give learning a try?

AGNES: Sorry dear owner, one minute....
ZOOOOM... Bye!

ME: May I suggest toys to motivate ?
Perhaps afterwards a hike we'll take?
Agnes dear a piece of cheddar ?
Food always makes the training better.

AGNES: This training thing is silly folly...
Perhaps you should try a Border Collie?

ME: But you and I we are a team...

AGNES: Obedience stuff's a human dream!

ME: Enough, you Vizsla. Please desist.
I understand -- I get your gist.
But can't we agree on a thing?
Agility, obedience, or the breed ring ?

AGNES: YES ! The breed ring
might give me a chance ...
to demonstrate my Vizsla Dance

ME: A Vizsla Dance? The stress is back!
No dance in breed rings! That's a fact!

AGNES: It's really just a fancy prance,
That’s done with Vizsla flair…

ME: I've seen the flair you Vizsla have…
Things tossed from here to there!

AGNES: Do you want teamwork?
Yes you do!
And ribbons by the ton?
Do you want smiles on your face
and me to have my fun ?

ME: Yes to all without a doubt, but please no breed ring moves…
I'd rather stick to obedience
then breed ring boogie grooves!

AGNES: My tail does wag, my tongue does lick.
My movement fluid and very quick.
My nose is set to smell and find --
To never leave a bird behind!
On point I do not budge or sway,
Yet all you care about is "stay"!
These words of "heel" "come" “sit” and “down”…
Obedience does make me frown.

ME: Think of the ribbons we could earn …
a Vizsla second to just learn !

AGNES: I see your whining will not cease,
and yes I will concede.
So here's YOUR sit, YOUR down, YOUR stays,
AND here's a heel off lead!

When you say these nonsense words, and wave your hands about…
I promise I'll respond so quick YOU'LL never have to shout.
A promise that will truly stick…
A promise we'll make today…
A promise of precision moves that I always will obey!

ME: A promise, Oh my Vizsla friend
Our troubles now are at an end!
Wait your lips are in that Vizsla grin,
WHY you look like you now have the WIN!

AGNES: A win? A win?
Why surely not, though you must now agree…
that I will do as pointed out with a promise now to me.

ME : Ah, my Vizsla darling, just name what is my part
For I agree to anything, sincere and from my heart.

AGNES : Well, though your tail is very short,
and your nose a bit off center,
though you don't move with Vizsla grace,
I will be your mentor.

ME : A mentor ? Oh, like I for you ?
To teach, to help to grow.
To assist along the way
in obedience and in show ?

AGNES : Why yes like that,
but here’s the thing
our sharing will be in the VIZSLA ring!
The breed ring is where we'll shine,
where we'll win,
we'll be divine!

For you and I , I have your promise,
will give those judges a stir,
when together we gait about with our tails both in a whir!

For I'll instruct the Vizsla art of tail shaking one – oh - one,
of how to move , and how to groove, while wiggling our cute buns!

We'll leap, and trot around the ring to music that we hear,
We'll twist and shout and look so grand while wagging both our rears!

Oh the joy we'll bring to all who watch us strut our VIZSLA stuff,
But you'll need to be like me you know and wiggle in the buff.

Yes, we have reached a special bond.
The best we’ve ever had!
Hey, why are you now phoning that Border Collie ad ?

Friday, January 2, 2009

My First Title

I really have to take off my ball cap to all the (Fuddpucker & adopted) uncles and aunts Agnes has. The wisdom, and caring that goes into dealing with ME over Agnes's many antics and my hysteria at the simplest things is mind blowing. From the "Oh! My Vizsla has spots" to "What do I do! My lil gals face is scarred from a rabid ground hog (we alllll know it was not Agnes's lunging, nipping ways that got the goundhog riled) the family has been there every step of the way. Aunty Sharon has probably questioned her sanity, and mine, in ever introducing my lil gal to me, but heck she knew I was a bit kooky a hundred years ago.

Anywho Agnes and I , after much discussion, have decided our first title is in "Caring". We are earning a title in CARING EXCELLENT. That's right. Earn it and ya can place the following after your dogs' name - ICAREX.

It's a pretty tough standard. The team, because it takes two, must show compassion, kindness, empathy and thoughtfulness towards others. To earn the excellent title these qualities must be demonstrated without being asked, and especially focused toward the elderly, the disabled, the ill, and others that are lonely or in need.

The objectives ? Smiles, laughter, loneliness washed away.

The evaluators ? Only one. God.

Agnes and I think if we keep training & working hard we'll take ribbons with that FIRST title.
We can't wait.