In the spirit of ALL the Red Carpet, Golden Globes, Oscars, and Academy Award presentations currently going on, Agnes, with her usual “joi de vive’” (zest for life) jumped right into the celebrity ideology.
Unlike her selection of my lovely artificial roses for her glamorous photo by the paparazzi, I did have to assist her with her acceptance speech.
Acceptance speech for what you ask ? Well, with Agnes she “accepts” everything. So I reckon it’s for “being Agnes”.
Unlike her selection of my lovely artificial roses for her glamorous photo by the paparazzi, I did have to assist her with her acceptance speech.
Acceptance speech for what you ask ? Well, with Agnes she “accepts” everything. So I reckon it’s for “being Agnes”.
Grrrrr, rufffff (Agnes clearing her throat) …
I’d like to first thank all of my fans, four legged and two legged alike, real or stuffed, furred or feathered, squeaky or unsqueaky, chewed up or new.
Thank you to mom and dad! I wouldn’t be here, or there, or over there, or under here, or anything without you. You are the best!
I’d like to thank my breeders, not sure what those are but human mom says “HAVE TO” cuz I'm here with her. So Thanks for making human mom happy, uh most days.
I’d like to thank big time the cats in our house. Without them I’d have to chase the other dogs and they are not nearly as much fun. Not to mention they have no clue how to leap on counters in a single bound like the cats.
Visual effects - stunning!
I’d like to thank my “gang” of friends, especially the ones my human mom says I can not play with, Skyler, Duke, I soooo love the alpha thing. The casual attitude. The yeah, I hear ya way ya’ll have. I tried it. It didn’t go over well. Enough said. Moving on …
I’d like to thank those that hike with my human mom. It is the only time she doesn’t watch me get the yummy treats that lay all over the ground, or roll in the lovely stink I find, or chase bees, or chew sticks. Thanks so much for keeping her busy ya’ll!
I’d like to thank my brother Otter for not hurting me in the water yesterday, or at the park most days, or when I grab his beard, or chase his ball, or …well thanks bro!
Huge thanks to my Beagle brother Chuck for being too, wellll , slow…uh “special” to pay attention to me getting his toys and rawhides. Chuck you ROCK!
Finally I’d like to thank all the lil dogs out there. The ones that so strive to be a Vizsla. To have the flash and dash, the amazing wagging tail, the fluidity of movement, the twinkle in the eye that speaks volumes on intelligence, the excellent breeding, structure, attitude……well ya’ll get the idea….so in conclusion Thank you all for contributing to my being Vizslaicious.